Wednesday 29 August 2012

The master trader retake was excellent. It covered a lot of things that otherwise I would not have done in any other course, but it also did things in a way that I can understand myself and my situation much better.

As a trader I have unlimited needs, so “unlimited wealth” is exactly what I need.  I’ve had my own business for 40 years. I’ve had an exciting time, but I’m tired of it. I want to do something else, but I need release financially for a business and “ultimate wealth” from Knowledge to Action is the only way I can do it.

I made £ 160 in a day.

In my first week when I went live I made 40%. Everything was just perfect for me.

The seminar was so good, it ticked all the boxes of what my needs were, where I wanted to go, what it was going to cost me and before I was even told the price, I decided what price it was going to be and it was exact. After that it is a sequence of   rearranging my lifestyle, rearranging my habits and routines to make this the focus of my life. And I think Knowledge to Action has been absolutely fantastic in the backup I’ve had, the care I’ve had, the kindness I’ve had when I’ve been coming here.

Peter Hatcher 2011


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